Mavis is a senior Rottweiler, probably 8+ years old. She was dumped at a construction site and picked up by animal control. She stayed there for 8 days, barely able to get up off her raised bed. When we got her she was in pain, exhausted and broken. She was filthy and covered in flea dirt. We thought we were pulling her out of there to die in a peaceful environment instead of dying in a loud shelter.
We took her to the vet the next day and found out she had heartworms, hook worms, hip dysplasia and arthritis in her spine. Her neck was so sore she could not lift her head. We started her on prednisone and antibiotics and after a few days she made a remarkable turnaround. She seemed more alert and engaged and happy, and gradually developed a bounce in her step. She has improved greatly since then.
Mavis loves going for walks. She can easily handle a 1 mile walk. She sometimes plays with toys. She barks and hops around when it gets close to snack time every evening. She gets along fine with the 3 large dogs in her foster home but hasn't played with them. She is very affectionate.
Mavis is housebroken and crate trained and she will stay behind a baby gate. She doesn't chew anything and isn't destructive in any way. She does not get on the furniture.
As of November 9 Mavis has been vaccinated, microchipped and dewormed, and has been undergoing heartworm treatment. Her treatment will be finished November 22. After that she still need to be spayed. If you are interested in Mavis, email us and we'll keep you up to date on her progress.